This is West Church in Ballymena in the 1920's with three young boys and man looking at the photographer. As you can see it was gas street lighting back then.
Here we are in Ballymena on Wellington Street on a bright and sunny day in the early 1900's.
Over to the right tied to the telegraph pole is a donkey and cart that’s wheels are nearly bigger than the donkey !
Something must be going on for there are a lot of men in the foreground in their best suits and bowler hats plus some in riding gear standing around talking.
Here we are on the Wavney in Ballymena after the usual dose of rain, aren't the gates real fancy. It must be a clammy day for some of the houses have their windows opened..Further up the road are two small boys with a handcart and in their bare feet. Behind them the house is Dr. Gabel's Surgery and Jeff Wilson remembers living in the house with the gable end.
This is Wellington Street in the early 1900's as you can see no cars, people able to stroll across the road as long as you watched out for horse droppings ! On the pavement on the left is a young boy with his young pup while behind him is another dog on the prowl. Over to the right on the road is a postman out doing his job and the wall behind him is where Guys school is. Allans seeds and implements you get in this building with orders being unloaded from the horses and carts. The next building is the YMCA.
Here we are in Wellington Strret in 1915 with people out and about with the lady on the left who is giving off to the husband who is complaining about a bad back. Over on the right we have Whiteside's Hotel the proprietor is unknown, next door we have McVeigh's Temperance Hotel and Mrs. McVeigh is the proprietress. Also on the street are the Albert Temperance Hotel with W. H. Pielow, proprietor and the Criterion with Alex. O'Hara the proprietor.
Plently of people out shopping here in Wellington Street Ballymena on a sunny day. Now although the sun is shining it still must be cold for not only are the people dressed in heavy clothing but they're only walking on the side of the street where the sun is. In the foreground is a small boy with his handcart posing for the cameraman. Now behind the cart is a doorway with two plaques possibly a doctors surgery, to the right is an entry which a lot of people didn't want to go down for in that alley was where Mr..Waids had his business he was a Dentist! Also down in the alley was a photographer's studio.